This week was Book Week. Book Week is where we do different activities to do with books. Here is what we did for Book Week.
Every day we had a challenge to find a golden ticket that had been hidden around the school. The person who found it got a prize with lots of books.

Before Monday every class needs to have a door decorated. The door has to be something to do with a book. My class is doing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the BFG.

On Tuesday we buddy reading with our buddy. I only got to read with my buddy and another kid for about 5 minutes because I had to do an ICAS Exam for a while.
After school at 6 o' clock we got to go to Nga Manawa in our PJ's and read stories and show our parent/s the new library. Some people got spot prizes. My sister got a cook book for a prize.

Shoes (Odd)
Socks (Odd)
Pants (Pajamas)
Clown Nose on my head
Today we had Book Character Day. Book Character day is when you dress up as a character from a book. I dressed up as 'The Very Cranky Bear' with antlers, mane and stripes. Every year the teachers dress up as characters from a book. They act out a part of the story. This year they acted out Harry Potter. My Mum is a teacher so she dressed up as one of the characters. She was Professor Snape with a pretend wand and pretend book of potions.
Thank you Mrs Costello (our librarian) for making Book Week so fun!
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