Author - Morris Gleitzman
Genre - Humour
Setting - Houses, Schools etc
Main Characters - Emmy, Ms Fosdyke, Glenn, Dougal, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Jane Austen, Dad, Maddy, Dylan, Petal, Corey, Will, Shelley, Jarrod, Clyde Craddock, Hamish Hodge, Jack, Imelda, Donald, Harriet
Saving Ms Fosdyke - Ms Fosdyke is getting sold to another school for 50 million dollars. Will Emmy save her?
Pizza Cake - Glenn always eat a piece of pizza cake before he does something that he is scared of doing. When will it help him?
Charles the Second - People at Charles' school always tease him about his name because there is a famous Charles Rennie Makintosh who is a furnite designer. He meets a new friend called Jane Austen. Jane Austen is a name of a famous author. Will he learn to get used to his name?
Secret Diary of a Dad - Learn about a wimpy Dad who has kids who can build better than him, have to save him from animals and can't trust him. Will he ever learn to be braver?
Can't Complain - Petal's parents complain about the smallest things in life. They tell her that she needs to complain about more things but Petal dosen't want to. She likes helping people who need it. Will her parents ever stop complaining and be on Petal's side?
Draclia - Corey's little brother Will thinks there is a draclia (dracula) on the property but all it is, is Shelley's boyfriend Jarrod. Will is obsessed with vampires and thinks they are real. Will Corey ever teach Will that vampires aren't real?
Tickled Onions - Clyde Craddock hates his parent's food that they make. Every morning when he gets to school he grabs a slice of dirty bread to eat from the bin and dumps his breakfast from that morning. He also dumps his whole lunchbox of food in there too. Will there be anyone who loves food and is forced by bullies to eat Clyde's disgusting leftovers?
Stationery is Never Stationary - Jack absolutely hates going to family get togethers. He thinks they are just a waste of time. This time they are going there for Uncle Pete's home entertainmetn set-up, Aunty Sue's birthday, to meet Aunty Anthea's new boyfriend, to talk about where they are going to go for Christmas and also because Jack's Mum's cousin Niall is going home from Venezuela. Will this family get together turn out all right so that Jack will start liking them?
Big Mistake - Donald and Imelda are twins. They always complain that the other twin has the bigger thing. When there Mum and Dad start to get really sick of the arguing they try to make a end to it. Will they really get to be good friends with each other?
Harriet's Story - Harriet woke up really really early in the morning. She was wondering why she woke up that early because she doesn't normally. Then she discovered that it was because she was really thirsty, so she looked over at the cup on her bedside table that her Mum always fills up for her every night but it was empty. She knew that she would then have to creep downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to drink. When she makes her way down lots of things are a bit strange. Will she be able to grab a drink before anything else strange happens?
I would definitely give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
I would recommend this book to people who like funny and great stories. The age I would recommend this book for is probably 8 or 9 and up.