Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
W1 - D5 - A3 (Own Choice - SLJ)
W1 - D5 - A2 (Swimming To Safety - SLJ)
W1 - D5 - A1 (Against The Odds - SLJ)
W1 - D4 - A2 (What's In A Name? - SLJ)
W1 - D4 - A1 (Making A Racket - SLJ)
W1 - D3 - A3 (Achieving Our Dreams - SLJ)
W1 - D3 - A3 (Defying The Odds - SLJ)
W1 - D3 - A1 (Rugby Superstars - SLJ)
W1 - D2 - A3 (Miracle On The Hudson - SLJ)
W1 - D2 - A2 (One Small Step For Man - SLJ)
W1 - D2 - A1 (Flying Solo - SLJ)
W1 - D1 - A3 (Scaling New Heights - SLJ)
W1 - D1 - A2 (Discovering Aotearoa - SLJ)
W1 - D1 - A1 (Setting Sail - SLJ)
Sunday, 24 November 2019
Play Scripts
This week, our class have been writing and performing plays. We had to write our plays in pairs (or small groups), so Mia and I decided to write a sort of funny play. We had to make sure that our play was not longer than 10 minutes. We could include props if we liked.
As our play needed 4 actors, 2 of our classmates came to help us out!
We were very impressed with how it turned out as the class loved our acting!
The Little Chore Children
- Ben Rubbish
- Karl Trash (Mr Trash)
- Bernadette Bin
- Mary Dirty
All characters stand in a circle in the centre of the park in the early hours of the morning - with rubbish picking props and lit candles.
Mr Trash =
Ok, good morning folks, the mission for today is going to be harder than usual . You will have to detect all of the trash in the area of Digustingville. You all seem to have the skills - me, Karl Trash is going to be your mentor and driver to drive you around to all of your jobs. In between you may pick up the odd helpful job passed on to you from some of the elders in the village. That’s my advice sorted, now onto your jobs. You should be finished by 11pm tonight and may be rewarded if you complete the given tasks! Good luck! I have just got to go and the vehicle we will be using. Meet you back in around 20 minutes.
All children to be biting nails and looking worried as they clamber to the car park.
Mary =
Hmmmmmm……...what about if we could sneak off to get a Double Choc Chip Frappe just to give us our necessary boost of energy.
Bernadette =
Agreed! Just how must we get there. Well, I suppose a quick wee jog, aye while we wait for Mr Trash to hurry up?! Let’s go!
Children dash off stage or to the coffee shop and silently (acting) order and receive their beverages.
Ben =
Mmmm - delissimo!! This is the best beverage I have ever had in my whole entire life! It is lit-e-rally amazing!
Mary =
Oh ...just before we leave lets just take a photo for the gram, y’all. Let’s see how many likes we can get in 24 hrs, aye?
The children come back to the vehicle just in time for Mr Trash to arrive back.
Mr Trash =
Perfect, first off we are going to go to Dispose Point to collect all of the horrible litter left their by the citizens. We will then go to two other places which will then conclude our set errands - then we will start on Mr & Mrs Scraps’ jobs and we will see where we go from there. Lets go!
All characters set off to work on different areas of the village (stage/acting space) “picking up spread litter”.
Mary = (posh voice)
Finally!!! My hands are way too dirty and oh, lets not forget about my beautiful hair and stunning attire - now completely ruined - lets just hope that the citizen jobs are much less ‘hands on’!
Bernadette = (annoyed)
C’mon Mary, it's not a fashion show or a day at the Melbourne races, is it? Look at us - we’re all dirty too, it’s just a bit of fun, aye!
Mary = (posh voice)
Fun?! You would call this fun?! Yes, I would much rather a day at the races with my chums! How about I’m on entertaining citizens whilst you clean and complete your errands!
Ben =
Woah, woah, woah! You call that fair! Hahah! Sure, sure - that should stop your complaining - thank goodness! How about you’re also on cleaning dishes and the indoor cleaning! Perfect, Mary!
Mary = (posh voice)
Ohhhhhh, I suppose!
Bernadette =
Mr Trash, whoops, I mean ‘sir’, where do we start on our first village task and what has been set for us.
Mr Trash =
Well, thank you for your great enthusiasm, Bernadette, our first task is set at 9 Dump Crescent and we have a gardening/rubbish kind of job in the backyard with Mary can do her little set tasks. All clear?
All characters nod heads.
Mr Trash =
Now let's jump into the vehicle.
All characters jump into vehicle.
Ben =
Jump - sir? Doesn’t that sound a little dangerous.
Mr Trash =
Oh, Benny Bob - don’t be so silly - you silly little boy.
Bernadette =
OMG! Lets go and get it over and done with - hurrah!
Vehicle drives away to house and breaks down half way there.
Ben = (sarcastic voice)
Oh, what a shame - of all the things that could have happened?! Hahaha
Mary = (posh voice)
Oh my goodness, isn’t this the worst thing that could happen. Oh, it is just too hot, sweat is running down my face and it’s just making me look horrible. (starts to whimper/cry lightly) OHHH, Mummy, where are you?
Ben =
It’s going to be right, ok? Just think of it, we’re getting out of working time, aren’t we - and….you can’t forget all the speaking (“or advice”) from Mr Trash. Reminds me a bit of a teacher from school.
Mr Trash =
Why don’t we just cut the working for today, alright?! You’ve all been amazing workers, I guuuess.
Children go to one’s house and lounge around.
Bernadette =
Do you know what….I kinda liked doing that, I mean we can hang out with friends, have a bit of fun in between…..to be honest, it’s kind of boring just sitting here - how about starting out our own wee business!
Everyone shouts, yes! Fantastic and walks off to the parked vehicle.
Heroes = Michelle Payne
This term for topic we had to individually (or in pairs) complete a Hero injury. We had to follow the inquiry of deciding, finding, using, recording and presenting. We also had to make sure that they were a hero of social change.
At the start we had to research a few heroes to choose from, choose the best one, then think of 6 target questions we want to find out about our chosen hero.
Once that has been completed, we had to answer our questions.
I chose my hero to be Michelle Payne.
Here is my inquiry:
Dinner Time Ads
A couple of weeks ago, for maths, we were working on statistics. We were given a photocopied sheet with data on it. We had to transfer this data onto a paper graph and then onto a Google Sheet. When it was on the Sheet we had to total the answers, sometimes add the percentages and finally add bar graphs from the settings. We also learnt how to add up all of the data to get the total without having to add it up ourselves!
Halloween Writing
Earlier this term, we were tasked to create a piece of Halloween writing with 150 (or more) words - it could be any style or idea but it had to be a spooky story or related to Halloween.
I made mine exactly 150 words!
Here it is:

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