Sunday, 7 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey

1 comment:

  1. Hi Reagan

    Great choice of places to go on your OE experience. France and Paris is somewhere that I would love to go to as well.
    Every time I see Paris in movies I just think that would be an awesome place to go.
    I really want to sit in a cafe in Paris where you can sit outside on the pavement. I want to drink a coffee and eat a pastry. The french pastries look so yummy!
    I think there is something quite romantic about this.
    And of course visiting the Eiffel Tower would be on the top of my list to.
    You are so right about being about being able to just pop to another country for the weekend, that would just be a dream come true. You could just pop to Italy for the weekend to buy some shoes or a handbag!! Awesome.

    Well done, now I want to go on holiday!! Wouldn't that be great!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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