Thursday 31 May 2018

Wk5 T2 2018

This week we have been focusing on equivalent fractions. I found this quite easy but also very very fun. 
I have learnt how to multiply a fraction by a fraction as well as multiplying a fraction by a whole number. It is actually easier than you think!!!!
How to multiply a fraction by a fraction: 

  1. Multiply the numerators of both the fractions to get the new numerators.
  2. Multiply the denominators of both fractions to get new denominators.
  3. Simplify or change the number to a mixed number.
How to multiply a fraction by a whole number.

  1. Rewrite the fraction as a whole number. To be able to rewrite the whole number as a fraction you have to put the number over a 1. Eg. if your number was 5, it would be 5/1.
  2. Then follow the steps above to get your answer.

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