Tuesday 28 August 2018

Art Soiree - Tie Dye T-Shirts

In Totara for the Art Soiree we are tie dying white t-shirts. At our Art Soiree the t-shirts will be up for auction along with lots of other art from other kids in the school. There is also art available to buy from local artists.

Here is my tie-dying Google Drawing which shows the process and a few designs I like. Here are the links that are on the drawing as they aren't working.

Swirl Tie Dye Technique 


1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Reagan It's Bailee here From Mamaku Hub, I am In Mamaku 1.

    I like how you told us how to do tie dye and reading the instructions make it sound easy. Maybe next time you could spread the photos out a bit more, and maybe you could even make the background tie dye, and put your tie dye top on the picture.

    Good job Reagan.
    Bye For now,Bailee.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.