Tuesday 4 June 2019

Interpreting Timetables

This week (and a part of last week) for maths we have been looking at 'interpreting timetables'. For our workbook we used some real life timetables used in Christchurch. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Reagan.
    Thank you for sharing your workbook for this week. Did you find it interesting looking at the timetables? I always think that when you first look at timetables they appear confusing until you take the time to decipher what they are actually showing you, then they are quite easy. Would you agree?
    I think this is a really good skill to have as you will use a timetable at some point in your life (particularly when you are travelling the world!)
    Keep up the great blogging.
    Miss H :-)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.