Friday 28 June 2019

Novel Study

This week we have been doing Novel Study as a part of reading. Over this week and next week we have to complete 10 out of 10 set-activities. Two of the activities we have to do was to design the setting of your book, and create a word find or cross-word. The book I have been reading and studying is 'Lion - A Long Way Home' by Saroo Brierley. 


  1. Zao shang hao Reagan!
    I think your setting looks pretty cool! I like the way you have used your Chromebook to create the setting digitally, rather than doing it on paper! Very clever!
    Are you enjoying reading your novel? What is the best part about it so far? Perhaps we could print out some of our wordfinds and you could take them home for your mum, dad and sister to complete. I'm sure they would love that!
    Keep up the great novel study activities, some of them are super fun to complete!
    Miss H :-)

    1. Bula Miss Hines!
      Thanks for the comment.
      Yes, I am really enjoying my book. The best part would probably have to be when he got taken to the police station, because he wouldn't have to live on the streets anymore and he may get to find his home.



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