For this activity we had to answer 4 questions about the Summer Learning Journey 2018-2019. The questions are above in bold.
Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Friday, 18 January 2019
(W4) DAY 5 (A3) - Concluding The Journey
For this activity we had to answer 4 questions about the Summer Learning Journey 2018-2019. The questions are above in bold.
(W4) DAY 5 (A2) - Adoption Day
For this activity we had to go on to a website and find 3 animals we would like to adopt if we had the opportunity. We also had to write down the one we would most like to adopt.
(W4) DAY 5 (A1) - Environment Day (Beat Plastic Pollution)
For this activity we had to write down 3 things we could do to help save the planet.
(W4) DAY 4 (A3) - Restricted Access
For this activity we had to explain if we liked how the Government of Peru set a rule of only a small amount of people going to the historic town of Machu Picchu each day. We also had to give reasons to support our opinion.
(W4) DAY 4 (A2) - The Plastic Pledge
For this activity we had to ask a family member/s about their thoughts on taking plastic bags out of supermarkets.
(W4) DAY 4 (A1) - Campaigning For Conservation
For this activity we had to choose a campaign from a website and think of a catchy slogan for the campaign.
(W4) DAY 3 (A3) - The Power Of Ten
For this activity we had to think of 10 plants or animals that we would like to protect from extinction. We also had to give reasons why we chose each of them.
(W4) DAY 3 (A2) - Protecting the Most Vulnerable (Fact Or Fiction?)
For this activity we had to write down 3 facts we learned about Maui Dolphins. Then, we had to use our imagination to create 3 more statements about the dolphins that aren't true. But.....we weren't allowed to say which ones where true and what ones were false. Which ones do YOU think are true and which ones are false?
(W4) DAY 3 (A1) - Predator Free 2050 (A Call To Arms)
For this activity we had to write down which of the 3 pest project videos we liked best and why?
(W4) DAY 2 (A3) - A House Is Not A Home
For this activity we had to look at projects on the Flora and Fauna International website and write down what project we thought was the most interesting and why?
(W4) DAY 2 (A2) - A Protective Plant
For this activity we had to write down 10 fruit, vegetables or herbs we would like to plant in our garden if we had to opportunity.
(W4) DAY 2 (A1) - A Flying Fox
For this activity we had to explain whether or not we would like to go zip-lining in Rotorua.
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
(W4) DAY 1 (A3) - The Sky In Shanghai
For this activity we had to imagine that we were going to Shanghai, China. We had to write whatever type of poem we wanted about our feelings. We had to remember that there is a LOT of air pollution in China.
(W4) DAY 1 (A2) - Guardians Of The Sea
For this activity we had to write down whether or not we believe in taniwhas? We also had to give some reasons to support our opinion?
(W4) DAY 1 (A1) - World Of Wearable (WOW) Art
For this activity we had to write down 5 question that we would like to ask Dame Suzie Moncrieff (the create of WOW).
Monday, 7 January 2019
(W3) DAY 5 (A3) - Let It Rain
For this activity we had to write a short story about acid rain. We had to pretend we had come out of our house for the first time in 3 days and.........
(W3) DAY 5 (A2) - Changing Climates
For this activity we had to list 5 of our favourite activities to do on a rainy day!
(W3) DAY 5 (A1) - Persistent Pollution
For this activity we had to watch a video around 'Air Pollution' and share 3 new things we learnt (about the pollution in the air) from this video.
(W3) DAY 4 (A3) - Crazy, Cool Clouds
For this activity we had to pick 1/3 cloud photos. Next, we had to write what we thought the cloud was shaped like, and a short description of what it looks like. We also had to include what photo we chose - 1,2 or 3.
(W3) DAY 4 (A2) - The Seven Sisters
For this activity we had to watch a video of 'The Seven Stars of Matariki' being read. We then had to try to summarise it in 6-8 sentences.
(W3) DAY 4 (A1) - The Southern Lights
For this activity we had to write an acrostic poem about the Southern Lights.
(W3) DAY 3 (A3) - Wind Beneath My Wings
For this activity we had to look on a website and find a flying animal to study. We then had to post at least 3 interesting facts about our chosen animal.
(W3) DAY 3 (A2) - Flying Foxes
For this activity we had to think of a superpower we would like to have. We then had to explain why we chose this power.
Sunday, 6 January 2019
(W3) DAY 3 (A1) - Bird Of The Year
For this activity we had to chose our favourite bird from the 'Bird Of The Year' website. We then had to describe this bird.
(W3) DAY 2 (A3) - Flying Fungi
For this activity we had to work out how long it would take to remove 7 moulds if it took 5 days to remove 1 mould.
(W3) DAY 2 (A2) - Carbon Sinks Don't Stink
For this activity we had to pretend we had a special draining sink where we could throw away all of the foods we don't like. We then had to list as many of these foods we could think of.
(W3) DAY 2 (A1) - Bee Informed
For this activity we had to fill in the blanks for the 5 bee sentences. Down the bottom of the page were 5 options we could choose from. To earn full points we had to type the whole sentences out on our post!
(W3) DAY 1 (A3) - Burning Up...
For this activity we got given information that we had to put into a graph.
(W3) DAY (A2) - You are my Sunshine
For this activity we had to watch a video about 'staying sun-smart' between April and September. We then had to post 5 things we learnt from the video.
(W3) DAY 1 (A1) - Togs or Trackies?
For this activity we had to choose a time of the year we would recommend tourists to come to NZ. We then had to write 3 reasons why we chose this time of the year.
(W2) DAY 5 (A3) - Faded Glory
For this activity we had to think of 3 fundraising events that we could do over here in NZ to help raise money for the Great Barrier Reef Fund!
(W2) DAY (A2) - The Black Drain
For this activity we got to choose 2 polluted rivers in NZ to research. We had to find out: the name of the rivers, where the rivers are and if there is anything being done to help clean up the rivers.
(W2) DAY 5 (A1) - Off The Menu
For this activity we had to write down whether or not we agreed with rule for over fishing. The rule is that if you over fish you get charged $100,000.
(W2) DAY 4 (A3) - Picture Perfect
For this activity you had to choose 1/3 selfies and write a short story (8/10 sentences long). We had to describe what you think is happening in the picture, where you think the person is and what you think that were doing when they stopped to pose for the selfie.
Saturday, 5 January 2019
(W2) DAY 4 (A2) - It's All In The Name
For this activity we had to create 3-5 new names for the Devil's Bath in Rotorua.
(W2) DAY 4 (A1) - Planes, Trains and Automobiles
For this activity we had to imagine we were going to the Milford Sounds and we were going on a tour of some sort. We got to chose between walking, a boat cruise or a private helicopter tour and then give a reason why we chose it.
(W2) DAY 3 (A3) - The Midnight Zone
In 2018, the staff at Te Papa moved the Colossal Squid to a new area in the museum. The Squid approximately weighs 500kg. We then had to pretend that a child can lift 15kg and an adult can lift 25kg. We had to used maths strategies to see how many adults and children it takes to lift the Colossal Squid!! There are many answers to this problem - can you think of a different one!
(W2) DAY 3 (A2) - A Local Delicacy
For this activity we had to think of a favourite food and list the ingredients we needed to make this food. We had to type out the ingredients, not just COPY them from the internet.
(W2) DAY 3 (A1) - Night Owls
For this activity we had to write whether we thought we were night owls or early birds. We then had to write down what we thought the rest of our family was.
(W2) DAY 2 (A3) - Stranger than Fiction
For this activity we had to chose 2 flowers off this website and find 3 similarities and 3 differences between them.
(W2) DAY 2 (A2) - Mighty Mangroves
For this activity we had to think of someone who we thought is strong and tough. We then had to write down why we chose them.
(W2) DAY 2 (A1) - Weaving a Tall Tale
For this activity we had to write down whether or not we would like to try flax weaving. We had to give a few reasons to support our opinion.
(W2) DAY 1 (A3) - Something Smells Fishy
For this activity we had to read 5 facts about fish and research them to find out whether they were true or false!
(W2) DAY 1 (A2) - The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge
For this activity we had to choose 3 people we would want in our support crew if we were to do The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge. We then had to give a reason why we chose these people!
(W2) DAY 1 (A1) - Surfs Up!
For this activity we had to describe our favourite summer activity/s.
DAY 5 (A3) - Going, going....gone
For this activity we had to describe life in NZ. We also had to pretend that the person we were describing NZ to had never been to our country.
DAY 5 (A2) - Living on the Edge
For this activity we had to pretend we were in the Tundra and write a letter home to someone explaining what we were doing/what it is like over there!
Friday, 4 January 2019
DAY 5 (A1) - Towering Timbers
For this activity we had to write down whether we think that logging should or should not be allowed in NZ.
DAY 4 (A3) - Salt and Pepper
For this activity we had to think of something unusual to create a hotel out of. Then we had to design a room in the hotel for an extra 5 points.
DAY 4 (A2) - Pancakes and Maple Syrup?
For this activity we had to write a recipe of one of our favourite foods. I have made this dessert for a school project and a dessert during the Christmas period.
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